This writing is inspired by the @lunaticoin meta-podcast
FROM: EARTH, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
TO: MARS, US space station, Elysium Planitia
We are quite advanced, and I am currently traveling to the Moon base to make my transfer to go to the Mars colony, where I will live for a good while. Since I retired, I'm not sure what to do with my bitcoins, and as most of the millionaires who bought their tickets in advance have gone bankrupt due to the episode we all call The Great Fracture1, several plots of land have become available, and I have bought at a ridiculous price.
The reason for the purchase? I simply wanted to come and live here. Many do so because they are dreaming of doing space mining in the next decade and use this planet as their personal storage. I will head to Valles Marineris, where there are some humans currently living and building very interesting things.
I have established communication with these people; most of them are complaining a lot about the centralization of mining in the hands of the Earthlings, who take advantage of the communication delay between Earth and Mars to always mine in advance.
A few years ago, someone presented the proposal for L4 integration in BIP21311009, which allowed creating an autonomous timestamp on Mars to then integrate it with Earth, correcting the communication deficiencies between Earth and Mars. But this did not please the Earthlings, who accused us of wanting to centralize and create a new wave of shitcoins, which makes no sense; we simply want to use Bitcoin but also take advantage of the solar power we have here to continue generating satoshis.
I have met with the Mars Congregation, who are tired of what they call the Mining Injustice2 and ask the Bitcoin community to be a currency worthy of the Kardashev scale, depending on the realm they are in. It is true that Earth and Mars, at certain times each year, are closer and favorable for trade; each day, the separatist sentiment is becoming stronger.
If any readers have comments about this new era of space and economic exploration, I will read your responses.
The Great Fracture occurred between 2042 and 2050, when the economies that did not adopt Bitcoin were gradually destroyed by their own consumption power. There are quite a few academic writings that to this day try to blame the currency itself for the fall of the American Empire (so to speak), but today those of us who took refuge in Bitcoin are leading the economic and judicial reconstruction of Earth and wish to expand our knowledge to Mars. โฉ
Mining Injustice is the episode that is currently occurring. According to the Mars Congregation, the Earthlings have maintained mining centralization, and the nodes (full and partial) installed on Mars, which suffer a time variation, have not managed to reach their own consensus. We'll see how it continues. โฉ