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Projecting on projects
I met a "strong" man so tall and so proud his pole was so long his head hit the clouds made of pure steel stroking old metal little creation of real when real is just mental pools of hollow words with little tiny action like polishing a turd no longer in fashion an "artist" playing "cryptic" who is this new friend turns out he is a critic and this is the end
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Woah you are a poet
This poem made me wonder if you are referring to your inner critic or someone else? I like the ambiguity
Thank you. It was inspired by an experience with an individual but I feel it may speak on the critic in all of us.
This is great
Thank you. I really like writing like this form. I am getting better at sharing. I appreciate you reading it.
I really enjoy reading it, and I'm guessing In not alone. That means we need more!