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20 sats \ 5 replies \ @south_korea_ln 29 Nov 2024 \ on: what to do about human stupidity? alter_native
Your whole premise seems to be based on one value system being better than the other. Yet, we all got shaped by our upbringing. I don't think either value system is better than the other. I like to believe my value system is the best, but objectively, it is not worse or better than the one of many people I fundamentally disagree with.
Just for the sake of illustration, let's put some of your examples against the following statement...
Electric cars: although the effectiveness of EV is very debatable (and even more, the way it is pushed onto people), people who support(ed) this tech could have done it out of altruistic reasons. I have close contacts with people who are very much into the ecological movement. Due to their value system, they deeply believe that something has to be done about human-made impact on the climate. They do this because they believe this is best for them and other people, their offspring, and the future of society. They care about other people. Not saying they are right or wrong, but I would definitely not call them stupid for that.
Bug meals: same argument as for EVs
True Christianity: I am sure it is a net positive for people who believe in it. They get something very good out of it. Yet, is it always good for other people? I have a friend who calls himself a true Christian, yet infringes regularly on the freedom of another friend of mine, due to the latter being gay. It's their value system to think being gay is bad. I'm sure they are not doing it to actively harm the other person, yet from the other person's perspective, they are.
Whole foods: from a health perspective, great. Not gonna argue against that. But I will never judge a parent who cannot afford such foods and feeds processed stuff to their kid. They do it because they care about their kid, by making conscious choices about how to allocate their money.
Bitcoin: Bitcoin is great, not going to argue against that either, as a big believer in Bitcoin. But from the perspective of someone with a different value system, e.g. European style socialism, they believe that Bitcoin is going to make it harder to implement what makes (made?) socialism a net positive for European society for a long time. Redistribution of wealth has arguably had good outcomes too. Workers' rights, subsidized healthcare, etc. Most socialists agree that this system is nearing its breaking point. It has worked for the last 100-200 years, but less so in recent years. Yet, they still care about other people, and in their value system, they believe they can repair this system, rather than completely replace it. Bitcoin is the antithesis of this system. It's not stupidity to think they can repair it, it's just a manifestation of one's value system. As a side note, I believe Bitcoin can play a role too in a (partially) socialist society, but that's for another time.
Your value system seems to be based on religion, free markets, and climate-change skepticism. Those are all valid values. I share some of them with you. But they are not the only valid values out there. Assuming someone is stupid for not sharing the same values as you is not going to help you change their mind on certain topics.
Quite a long wall of text. Too lazy to review it in detail. In any event, thanks for posting. Zapping you a few sats to underscore the fact I have no grudge against you or any idea you shared... it just triggered me to draft this response~~
You nailed to to the depths human cognition van lead. The article seemed to me a bit confusing and reading your comment made things clear.
thank u, i read all of ur points, and altho will not address the points in depth, here are my thoughts:
solipsism, also known as moral relativism, is one of the tenets of satanism.
people struggle to accept the fact that truth is universal and absolute, that there is such a thing as absolute rights and wrongs. futhermore, we are so far removed from knowing what is true and what is not, that the best we can do when educating are approximations.
the truth starts with the "law of one" - everyone matters, actions of one man effect others' lives, no matter how far removed.
then the 10 commandments were introduced, which can really be reduced to the 5 wrongs - what not to do.
now multiple societies (groups of people united for a common purpose) have sprung up, and the man-made rules are more numerous than ever. the further from the truth (true knowledge), the more numerous the man-made laws.
Re: bad ideas:
- bugs: how does one ensure that each bug is clean, of feces and parasites?
- electric car culture: why do we need so many batteries? where are the thorium-powered engines? most electric cars are still charged using energy generated from petroleum varieties (blood of the earth).
- religion: true christianity is not a religion but a righteous way of life. it's not about following the textbook, but thinking for urself first, and then looking for the truth inside the passages. it's like thinking while following a template, rather than being led by the words. just like any technology, it can be used for bad or good. chat GPT can construct a useful outline, but beware of asking it to think for u.
- whole foods: if a healthful food is not available, i wud rather fast than eat trash - this is most familiar to people with allergies. have u considered the effects of long-term sugar intake and seed oils on the brain and thoughts that brain can produce? a good 2-3 days fast does not kill a regular man (exclude diabetics, neonates, etc). oh yeah, what about the break-fast psyop (that it's somehow the most important meal of the day?).
i am very happy about the discussions my post triggers 🤓
We'll have to agree to disagree here. I fundamentally cannot find myself in the following statement:
solipsism, also known as moral relativism, is one of the tenets of satanism. people struggle to accept the fact that truth is universal and absolute, that there is such a thing as absolute rights and wrongs.
- solipsism is different from moral relativism, as far as i know
- it's not because I'm a moral relativist that i have anything to do with satanism. That's a not sequitur.
- sounds like circular reasoning. Invoking it as a fact that truth is absolute. Truth is man-made to me. Nothing absolute to me. It's just that a lifestyle that doesn't harm others too much is most likely to survive in the long term, hence it's good enough for me to live by such lifestyle.
Anyhow... You've got your truth, i got mine (spoken as a moral relativist~~).
Have a good day :)
i wud cast a stronger spell on u if i cud; i gotta study more, for now i am out of arguments 😇
one more thing... u have a very logical mind, posting really cool problems. i am out of practice, so i started reviewing math & geometry so i can tackle those.
many are stuck in the logical side of the brain. the abstract side has to be engaged in order to achieve holistic thought - so many things become clear, rapidly. then there is Stephen Hawking - he ventured so far left that he emerged on the right, without passing thru the median (that's why medi-tation is so helpful).
Thanks for the kind words.
And yeah, maybe one day I'll manage to tap into the abstract side of my brain. It's a gift and a curse to be be very/too logical. My wife does not always like it~~