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80 sats \ 8 replies \ @Rothbardian_fanatic 29 Nov 2024 \ on: what to do about human stupidity? alter_native
Perhaps what you are calling stupid people are low vibration people that cannot raise their vibration levels. Higher vibration level people seem to be smarter and make better decisions because they are able to use all of their facilities, both heart and mind.
I think they can be taught to get to a higher vibration level, with effort and demonstration.
What are vibration levels?
They are what level your whole being vibrates at. We all vibrate at some level or another. Lower levels seem to be darker in feel while higher levels feel much more light and free and happier.
It is hard to explain very clearly. Try a tuning fork set to 340 hertz, just listen and breathe.
Interesting, never heard of it.
Probably not my cup of tea though :)
Sorry, I was slightly misleading you. Pianos are tuned to 440, now and 430 before. It wasn’t my cup of tea until I tried it with the tuning fork. We have.a piano, that I think we should tune to 430 rather than 440. It is more relaxing.
check out Aaron Abke, he is my favorite on this perspective: https://youtu.be/_pu1lRBkUF4
beware of the new-age movement, "the last culdesac before the goldmines." there are many fakes out there. they usually sound like this: "relax, do nothing, it's all gonna be alright in the end, do not resist." sometimes it's a very subtle deception; mental clarity is nuanced.
i think that the better people get at recognizing deceptions, the more sophisticated the scams will get. we can see it with chat scammers, social engineering for stealing crypto, but this applies to everything. gotta git good.
Yes, relaxing doesn’t do much for you, at all. You also have to do the inner work to clear obstructions to higher vibratory levels.
oh yeah, low vibrations is good way to put it! (yet, see the comment below, a user asking to define it).
we are stuck in a low-frequency prison; even if one soul is at a higher vibration, the others who are at a low vibration, trap the rest. i like to think of it like a bucket of crabs - when one tries to climb out, the rest pull it down.
i wonder if there is a way to code metadata into a post, that would show the definition for a word or a term when hovering over it? that would save so much text, since some definitions are quite dense, and vary person to person.
That was a good way to describe some of what goes on with vibration levels. Many people want you to stay in the lower vibratory levels.