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This is a great idea, i'm sure selling parts for nodes in the future will boost mass adoption and make the difference!
that's the dream!
hi, site owner here. thanks for the spotlight! i'm still in the process of developing the site. for example, shipping isn't configured yet.
my plan is to offer business-class hardware to plebs at a discount with the intent to help with real bitcoin adoption.
i'll make an official post here when i'm ready. bookmark and feel free to message me in the interim.
Can we purchase today?
technically yes, but i'm only offering local pickup currently. i've sold a couple machines to friends and planning to work with them on deployment as a pilot run. this will help build out my initial FAQ.
i will configure shipping for the US 48 in the near future.
use the site contact form to drop me a message and i'll notify you once we're live.
is the local pickup in austin? or somewhere else?
i'm located outside bitcoin park in the greater nashville area.
is it cool if i write about it?
Good business model. The guy who made the most money during the gold rush was the guy who sold the tools required to mine gold.
yes, the trustworthy guy :) repeat orders + great community support
if plebs are trusting their own nodes and i make some sats along the way, then it's a success!
Cool, do you ship global?
i haven't put much thought into global shipment at this point. there are logistics to work through, such as power supply compatibility and OS languages. i think there is a bit of red tape surrounding import/exports. it's not high up on my current to-do list.
Good job, will you add some raspi?
Check out these episode of the Stephan Livera podcast:
https://stephanlivera.com/episode/411/ "SLP411 K3TAN WHY RASPBERRY PI BITCOIN NODES ARE BAD"
https://stephanlivera.com/episode/414/ "SLP414 MATT HILL RASPIFUD OR FACT? BITCOIN NODES AND SECURITY"
It kinda goes into how although it's really cool that BTC is able use raspis for nodes, there are better options that aren't much more expensive. K3tan from ministry of nodes really likes second hand dells, now that raspis have been rarer and more expensive since the pandemic.
After listen to the two Podcas i would like to try some Optiplex. The high-priced raspberry as well as the CPU are good arguments for this I think.
What's the tldr on why raspberry pi's are bad?
Ok, so after the block size wars, people wanted to highlight the benefits of the block size choices they made by showing how one could make a node out of a raspi. And it's wonderful that you can, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you should. However, It kinda got "memed" into practice when it really meant to be a illustration of how good it is for decentralization to have small blocks.
It's, not a very powerful computer, if doing a few things at once, something bad (like overheating) might happen. But the biggest reason is the power supply. It's just done kinda cheaply. It's not really meant to be on 24/7 and it ends up leading to some fried SD cards.
Raspis have the advantage of being cheap. But they have been in short supply since the pandemic causing them to be not cheap enough anymore to be worth the diminished processing power and cheaply made design.
Thanks for sharing this information. I will listen to it.
its wonderful these node packages are fully operational on single board computers, like raspberry pi. i hope the trend continues toward developing on lightest possible platform with the smallest footprint.
i personally think these brand used workstations by dell/levovo/hp are the best choice when considering price per performance, longevity, and serviceability.
potentially. the majority of products will be business-grade dell workstations, similar to the two remaining optiplex boxes.