No shots46.7%
1 shot0.0%
2 shots23.3%
3+ shots30.0%
30 votes \ poll ended
Forget mainstream media, propaganda (one way or another) and just focus on first principles.
The risk-reward of a healthy person was skewed to the downside. The virus is new and the vaccine is experimental and new.
It doesn't take a genius to look at the history of medicine and the amount of blunders there have been in order to be skeptical of taking an artificially-created vaccine that most importantly has not been tested for years.
One must trust the human body's ability to defend itself.
I stopped reading any "covid news" and continued traveling to see reality with my own eyes. Do not trust, but verify.
imho this should be left for other venues
So , thus far it seems has mostly intelligent people who have enough integrity and wherewithal to not sacrifice their hard won (by OTHERS!) bodily liberty on the estrogen soaked fake alter of safety , security , and experimental technocratic witches brew , while destroying their masked children's economy and locking Granny in a glass cage for her final moments ...
... followed by a notably-sized herd of fucking idiots .