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When LNBits Shop will offer RPis with "ready to go" LNbits instances?
ofc with a "welcome" option to customize the account at first start. I think that could help many merchants to have a "ready-to-go" box, just plug it, click some setup options and done, they have their own instance ready.
this territory is moderated
I have a todo to actually do this. We now have a nostr wallet connect extension that will allow you to fund any NWC compatible app from your home LNbits instance. Watch this space.
Do you mean we will have a NWC funding source for a LNbits instance? Or the way around?
Both. We already have a NWC funding source for lnbits and the NWC service provider extension allows funding of NWC compatible apps. So you can run LNbits with a funding source like phoenixd at home and fund a clearnet lnbits instance. I'm doing this and it works amazingly well.