for anyone using umbel you can fix it by doing the following
ssh into your machine
sudo ./umbrel/scripts/repo set
sudo ./umbrel/scripts/repo update
then go to the umbrel app store and update lnd
this fix hasn't been merged in yet, but once an official umbrel update is created you can
sudo ./umbrel/scripts/repo default-repo
to set it back to the official repo.
Submitted this change as a pull request to umbrel
I'm assuming I can't just pull this on an Umbrel running on 0.4.X, right?
Do you perphaps have a guide around to migrate to 0.5.X if that is necessary?
Yeah this won't work for that. You'll have to update to 0.5.X or manually fix it.
For umbrel 0.4.x you'll have to edit the ./umbrel/docker-compose.yml file manually.
In that file you'll see a list of services.
If you scroll down to the lnd section
... networks: default: ipv4_address: $BITCOIN_IP lnd: container_name: lnd image: lightninglabs/lnd:v0.14.1-beta@sha256:810f290f4da51adaf57d53bc1f1e65b52b03c543f322da0b98fb8c47be94a27a user: 1000:1000 depends_on: [ tor_proxy, manager ] volumes: - ${PWD}/lnd:/data/.lnd environment: HOME: /data restart: on-failure stop_grace_period: 5m30s ports: - "9735" - "$LND_REST_PORT:$LND_REST_PORT" - "$LND_GRPC_PORT:$LND_GRPC_PORT" networks: default: ipv4_address: $LND_IP dashboard: container_name: dashboard ...
you should be able to manually edit the container (on line 7 here) to
and then restart the node, or run
sudo ./umbrel/script/start
to just apply the update
Thank you so much!!! I don’t want to upgrade my umbrel to 0.5.X will try this manual update for my node
it worked!! Node went down this morning did this fix after restarting and about 10 mins wait all my peers and channels came back. For your assistance I tipped 5k sats.
Wow thank you so much! Really appreciate it. Happy your node is fixed.
Curious with LND going to 15.3 how do I find the image file on the GitHub to manually update my node? One of my channels is not working and my node isn’t routing any payments anymore.
Thanks a lot. This is exactly what I did a few hours ago and it worked fine. No further steps were needed.
Awesome! Glad to hear the fix worked
As or upgrading to 0.5.X, you should be able to go to the settings menu and click the update button if you are on 0.4.18.
If not, then I'm not then in all honesty not sure what the procedure is. It might let you update to 0.4.18 and then after 0.5.X.
If not, you may need to manually apply the fix or reinstall 0.5.X.
Update: the PR has been merged. These steps should not be needed. You should be able to update from the umbrel app store.
If you don't see it try
sudo ./umbrel/scripts/repo update