I read this article and i will read again, an uncommon point of view for these days but with actual arguments, thanx!
You need to be kid-maxxing You need to be getting it in once a day like a DCA.
You need to be building home economies of scale circular economies of domestic labor before your next fertility halvening.
You need to be kid-maxing. ,
Fiat money has helped fool us to believe that we were on the right path. It has caused alot of damage that we cant even comprehend. When we have finally paid for our fiat ways, there probably wont be much of a civilization left :) But life will find a way
The fact that population is flattening is good actually: the earth has finite carrying capacity, especially if you want to live comfortably. The question is how it's flattening: are the dumbest having least children, or the brightest?
lol i guess you believe to be part of the brightest, right?