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The moment when you realize that you have grown out of your "home country," the place where you were born, I've been feeling a bit disconnected from them for a while, but I am on the journey of becoming myself.
You will connect with yourself much more thoroughly and realize that you are “home” no matter where you are. You are you and other things are not you. Especially things are not you, so you can disconnect from a lot of those “things” and still be yourself.
well said:)
Thank you, I can only try to say things correctly.
My daughter is going through a similar experience. I emigrated with her when she was a baby and we haven't even returned to visit the place where we were born. She speaks up and says she feels sad about not knowing the place where she was born. I like the perspective you focus on. It doesn't matter where you are or where you come from, this is a journey to get to know yourself.