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No you don't have to "quit from your actual life". You just have to be responsible for your own actions.
Probably, i have to rethink,dig once more, all my ideas/concepts/living situation...regarding the Sovereign Individual ,in parallel with the familly situation, spiritual path i m in...
And let s see what come out from that
Thks for your reminders, tips... :)
Yes, it takes some thinking to come to the proper conclusions. Your living situation is the same whether you wish to deny it, not think about it or evade it. You and only you are responsible for you and yours.
indeed, some time and some priority
Isn’t it your priority, freedom, that is?
The whole thing is that you can never escape your responsibilities, you have them whether you recognize them or not. You still get the consequences of your actions whether you think that is fair or not. (BTW, fair is in August.) So own them! You cannot do anything else.