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If there's something important about your Bitcoin stash, it's your own privacy. You should run your own node, or at least use your friend's. I've set up Fulcrum node for Sparrow wallet's community and thought it would be a good idea to share it with some more.
No logs, nor address & IP tracking/analysis, at all! But take into consideration, using someone else node isn't the best practice and you should learn about using your own.
Fulcrum's Tor address: rqcbvkan255wranepdrxqzwq2wexy6dpzpltsc7rir4epkz7itufwvqd.onion and the ports are: 50021 for TCP & 50022 for SSL. Feel free to ask about it, use it and explore the benefits of Fulcrum & privacy.
Why Fulcrum and not Electrs? While Electrs is Bitcoin only, it won't handle big data requests and wallet would might just fail to load. Fulcrum scales the best for the needs of Whirlpool or for those who actually transact and use their SATs. More could be found on craigraw's review here: https://www.sparrowwallet.com/docs/server-performance.html
Any bounty is appreciated, for maintaining and upgrading hardware. 40% will be donated to Samourai & Sparrow. PayNym is preferred, but DM me for address if needed.
So what's the paynym?! also do you have lightning option will be happy to donate
PayNym is Samourai's development of usage of BIP47. A way to communicate with other users for Coinjoins & reusable publickly Bitcoin address, without revealing your on-chain TXs. Sparrow implemented it too. Really easy and great for privacy. https://PayNym.is
My PayNym is: +rapidlab309, or by the PM8TJ code: PM8TJYMNbBqqivUB7MVhbWr28yZuYDzjJdyRQNi4Jr2U85xD3QFJ7FtgH2Gzou4Bxb1qdZSjKpA5kUvZKjxNLPkjrFhc3fD3gKS93TyDq9zrTeQLPkrN
As for Lightning donations, here it's cool or tell me how much to set the invoice to :) Thanks!