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I feel like we all knew this is where he'd end up, but I didn't expect the confirmation quite this soon.
this territory is moderated
I'm not sure I'm buying it until we see him make an appearance. That flight we was supposedly on does seem to have crashed I mean NASA satellites detected firm where it was supposed to be. Easily could be come other plan and he left early its just that was supposed to be the plane and its been dead quite about who or what was on it
Though that "crash" could have definitely been a deception too.
I agree that we shouldn't assume anything unless he makes an actual verifiable appearance. Which may never happen.
Sic semper tyrannis
Let's hope Syria doesn't end like Libya.
I think that's the plan
I'm not sure… Israeli wont allow it to be so volatile and if it becomes sk they are going to bomb it into oblivion and back the Kurds esp if Turkey trys to play the other side
Maybe. I think Israel will take advantage of the chaos and seize more land with US backing. They sure weren't fans of Assad.
Since the 2/3 of Golan they have is mostly Druze people and the 1/3 remaining is also Druze I could see Israel do something along the lines of take the remaining and set up some sort of Druze government with Israeli backing. The Druze community has been a huge help for Israel in the past and present and it makes sense.
Just like Israel helping set up the Kurds. The Kurds and Israel have no beef and Israel could help establish them as well.