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As I put the final touches on adding cowboy credits, I'm finding I'll need to enhance/modify/overhaul the satistics page. So, I figured I'd query you all for changes I can weave in as I work on it.
  1. Is there anything you wish it did that it currently doesn't?
  2. Is there anything you think it does poorly that it could do better?
spending could be broken down further, showing spend for zaps, comments/posts, and fees.
You mean other than in the chart?
Yes, I'd prefer it in text format. The "spent" box would be a good place for it. The graph doesn't provide a precise value.
I see what you mean. It gives you a precise value per month in the forever time period, and you want total spending in certain categories across forever.
Better stats on territory revenue to incentivize founding a territory.
Could you make it so that we can make our own graphs based on x and y axis? It would be nice just to trend data and stuff. Not that it is really needed, but it would be nice.
That probably won't make it in this round, but it's possible for sure.
Feedback: These cowboy hat notifications are annoying....
You can turn them off.
  1. go to settings
  2. scroll to "notify me when ..."
  3. uncheck "I find or lose cowboy essentials (e.g. cowboy hat)"
Please forgive me for my dumbness, but what are cowboy credits? I just saw it a few times here. What will it do?
This all still applies but will go into effect on Jan 3 rather than Nov 5
yey, Jan 3
Thanks and hats off to the one who wrote the post; all doubts cleared in one shot lol
Give a short info link on how to get a cowboy hat, gun, horse and how to hold it. I still don't get it and the search function doesn't really help. Same goes for the FAQ and how-to section. I lost my hat this morning and so far I thought you could keep your hat if you post every day and zap at least once. Apparently that's not the case. The whole thing is way too opaque for a pleb like me.
Otherwise I would like to see some statistics like how many replies your posts get. Or if you only have loser posts. Makes it easier to see what the SN plebs want.
cowboy hat, gun, horse and how to hold it.
They are all easter eggs. You're supposed to figure it through a type 2 kind of fun.
But my hat :'( This time I want to keep it! So I do trial and error every day?