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Give a short info link on how to get a cowboy hat, gun, horse and how to hold it. I still don't get it and the search function doesn't really help. Same goes for the FAQ and how-to section. I lost my hat this morning and so far I thought you could keep your hat if you post every day and zap at least once. Apparently that's not the case. The whole thing is way too opaque for a pleb like me.
Otherwise I would like to see some statistics like how many replies your posts get. Or if you only have loser posts. Makes it easier to see what the SN plebs want.
cowboy hat, gun, horse and how to hold it.
They are all easter eggs. You're supposed to figure it through a type 2 kind of fun.
But my hat :'( This time I want to keep it! So I do trial and error every day?