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I got started with Bitcoin buying a little on Coinbase. I then switched to Bisq for person to person buying. My bank locked my account because of how I was using Zelle suspiciously. They showed me that they considered my account and my money as theirs.
The solution was to cut my bank out of the income stream. I switched my direct deposit income from my bank to Bitwage1. All my direct deposit income goes straight to a cold wallet. I create a new receive address for each payment. If I need fiat I can have a percentage of my income sent to my bank.


  1. I got this idea by reading Darthcoin's guides.
Bitwage is quite convenient and easy. And the catch is that the IBAN number is NOT in your name ! Few people realize that advantage. yes is KYC, but not so invasive and when you touch fiat world is KYC anyways, all over. Even if you use Robosats, hodlhodl, Bisq, the bank account you use is already KYC. Except if you use an old bank account from your grandma and she's already dead :)
I used Bitwage from 2015, I was one of their first users.
idea for a future guide: how to sign your grandma up for bitwage before it's too late lol