Unfortunately I use the crypto.com visa card from my shitcoining days. I also use muun and the bitcoin company for things like Uber and Marshalls. I pay my bills with the Visa , and If I need to head to the store, I'll check if the store has a gift card, if not I'll send to the crypto card. I'm one of those plebs desperately waiting for the Strike Debit Card. As we all wait for merchants to accept lightning
check out paywithmoon.com
no-kyc visa debt cards payable with lightning or on-chain.
you could open a lightning channel from your mobile wallet, like blixt, to your node, and open a channel from your node to moon's to make purchases and regain some privacy while dropping the shitcoin casino.
or coinjoin on-chain payments directly to moon.
use the name "Valued Customer" when paying bills with your prepaid cards.
there are other options, too. bitrefill and 'the bitcoin company' come to mind.