pull down to refresh

no, it means your income is in BTC, silly.
Is the ultramaxi Darth really gonna go tell me to go get another (fiat) job?!
No, spend only less of what you earn. If you need to borrow more money to pay your expenses, it means you have a spending problem not an income problem...
no it doesn't. Read what I said again
import os import subprocess
def run_command(command, check=True): """Run a shell command and print the output.""" try: result = subprocess.run(command, shell=True, check=check, capture_output=True, text=True) print(result.stdout) if result.stderr: print(result.stderr) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Command failed: {e.cmd}\nError: {e.stderr}") exit(1)

Directories for persistent data

BITCOIN_DATA = os.path.expanduser("/bitcoin") ARMORY_DATA = os.path.expanduser("/.armory")

Create directories if they don't exist

os.makedirs(BITCOIN_DATA, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(ARMORY_DATA, exist_ok=True) print(f"Directories created/verified:\n Bitcoin data: {BITCOIN_DATA}\n Armory data: {ARMORY_DATA}")

Set permissions for directories

run_command(f"sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) {BITCOIN_DATA} {ARMORY_DATA}")

Pull necessary Docker images

print("Pulling Bitcoin Core Docker image...") run_command("docker pull kylemanna/bitcoind")
print("Pulling Armory Docker image...")

Replace 'your-armory-image' with the actual Docker image name if needed

run_command("docker pull your-armory-image")

Start the Bitcoin daemon

print("Starting Bitcoin daemon in Docker...") run_command(f"docker run -v {BITCOIN_DATA}:/bitcoin/.bitcoin -d --name bitcoind kylemanna/bitcoind")

Verify Bitcoin daemon logs

print("Checking Bitcoin daemon logs...") run_command("docker logs -f bitcoind", check=False)

Configure X11 for GUI forwarding (Linux systems only)

if os.name == "posix": print("Setting up X11 forwarding for GUI...") run_command("xhost +local:docker")

Run Armory

print("Starting Armory in Docker...") run_command( f"docker run -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v {BITCOIN_DATA}:/bitcoin/.bitcoin -v {ARMORY_DATA}:/root/.armory your-armory-image" )
print("Bitcoin Armory setup and run complete.")