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fire sight eyes warming thin bones deepening the mind ignoring the phone gazing ablaze head begins to raise staring at the sun queries of the crazed floating over top never looking down this blazing hot steam powers this clown
Have you ever stared directly at the sun? When it is very low in the sky? Early in the morning or later as it falls. If we stare into the sun, perhaps we may learn from it, all.
What do you think? Can we learn anything from staring at the sun, or sun gazing?
Thanks for reading and commenting 💚
I look at the sunrise/sunset to get the benefit of red light on my retinas.
I hadn't heard of the red light on the retinas benefits before. Do you stare directly into the sun with focus for an extended period of time? Have you seen it turn into a spinning disc?
No, just glances. I usually rotate my eyes so the light is not all going into the center. It's a nonlinear response so short amounts are about as beneficial as prolonged exposure.
Thanks for sharing. I hadn't heard about this benefit. I think there are also other benefits to a focused stare. Maybe not ones that can be explained with science.
It's supposed to be good for circadian rhythm to get near direct sunlight in the eye in the morning. My office doesn't get sun until noon, but I try to sit in the sun when it happens.
I think the sun has tons of benefits whether it's looking at sunsets or sitting in it midday. I know for me, if I feel like crap sometimes I just need to go outside and is it some sun and it helps a lot.