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I've explained here why claims of scaling self-custody can only be made by scammers and retards: #814976
maybe actually pay attention to what you're criticizing?
Sounds like an awful waste of time
So you don't even have code for your shitfork? how do you expect people to run it if they can't download it? Maybe spend less time crying and making spreadsheets and get to work
So it's a waste of time to do actual research on what you're criticizing? Is this why you have zero technical arguments in the reply you linked to?
Of course there's code, can you not read either? I said the op codes are currently on testnet and the client is being deved now and should be out next year.
Maybe actually read a freaken BIP so you don't look like such an idiot when you reply to someone who does know what they're talking about.
I gave this bullshit an ear long ago, it lacks substance... so why monitor updates from scammers and retards?
If you don't like my explanations it's on you to justify your bullshit claims better.
The fact remains, you can't enable someone with <4 decimals of bitcoin to take self-custody, and you hate that I point out this truth because all you VTXO scammers have to lie and virtue signal because your ideas are shit.
Cope and seethe shitforker.
So you've read the use cases on utxos.org/uses and explored the many benefits that covenants can provide then?
Because it seems you think UTXO sharing is the only benefit gained from covenants which is far from the truth.
And if you are aware of the many other benefits then why are you lying?
many benefits
Lies, most are based on the same VTXO scam
Vaults are just dumb and nobody seems to care about it anyway so why bother bringing it up?
Vaults is only one additional feature, there are many more but vaults are awesome because they provide a bunch of features that MuSig does not such as clawback mechanisms, delayed spending/tiered access, smaller on-chain footprint and recovery paths like fallback addresses. This allows devs to make wallets that are not only safer and more efficient on chain but also allow for cool features like inherence management among many others.
Do you know any of the other features besides UTXO sharing and Vaults or should I educate you? Because they are just as useful as the ones mentioned so far.
If you want to store your corns in a shitfork vault be my guest
Scammer Sztorc wants yet another sidechain... yawn
UTXO sharing
isn't real, it's a scam
anything claiming to enable offlineness, also a scam