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You cannot make a signature while offline
Yes but LN still enables a level of 'offlineness' by relying on the pre-signed txs and HTLCs. Once a channel is setup participants don't actually need to stay online constantly to keep the channel valid, watchtowers or similar services can monitor for disputes. Once again if you've actually read the BIPs you'd know this.
You can't even be bothered to read the simplest of BIPs. Sad.
are online, you muppet
offline-ness = trust, your shitfork can't fix that
You, over and over and over and over again: "READ THE BIPS BECAUSE I CAN'T UNDERSTAND THEM MYSELF"
offline-ness = a presigned tx
Maybe I keep saying read the BIPs cause it's clear you have no idea what you're talking about.
You haven't read utxos.org/uses, you haven't read any of the BIPs, you don't understand vaults, you don't understand lightning's HTLCs, and you expect to be taken seriously?
presigned tx = needs to be online to be broadcasted
So pathetic you don't understand even a little bit what you're proposing, typical shitcoiner.
Your exact phrase was "offline-ness" not 100% offline. You keep bringing up altcoins which have nothing to do with op codes, I've literally never held an altcoin in my life which is why I clearly know more about bitcoin than you.
Don't hurt yourself moving those goalposts, clearly you can't ameliorate the online-ness requirement of lightning with your fake L2.
It's a miracle you got logged onto the internet at all, nevermind Bitcoin.
lol you used the word in the first place and I'm moving goal posts?
LNhance isn't even an L2 it's just a set of op codes, good lord you really have no clue do you?
maybe start by actually reading something, start by going to lnhance.org
but you won't because you're clueless