no, sorry I keep 100% in sats not "stable sats". I don't give a shit about price fluctuations. Stable is a useless term anyways. Stable term is for shitcoiners and fiat maxis, not for bitcoiners.
That's because short term price fluctuations won't kill you. If you have a large enough cushion of wealth that being "on zero" won't kill you when the price drops 70-something-% (as it tends to once per cycle) that's wonderful. (Thankfully, it wouldn't (& didn't) kill me either.) I just gave an example of someone else who would starve to death if they did that.
I'm cool with the idea of OTC taproot based "stablecoin" in-and-out but you are out of your mind if you think you should hold your savings in shitcoin. Just draw cash out of the bank. Best way. Least likely to be stolen from you.