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Which one is more important to onboard on Bitcoin?
  • a rich CEO from NY Manhattan
  • a poor family from a South American village ?
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Can i cop out and say they're equally important?
i'm not St Peter at the pearly gates 🤣
for the record, i would get a kick out of onboarding both. And they'd both make for pretty great content.
However, the NY CEO would get way more views
Darth is Saylor baiting lol
I would say a poor family from a South American village. The rich only think in $ terms. Bitcoin is freedom money for everyone, but especially for the small unbanked ones.
If you have a chance to send a node to either of them, I recommend you send them one of these: https://xcancel.com/BitcoinBrabant/status/1870074654779449698
Definitely I will avoid onboarding the CEO.