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You know, of course, that was supposed to be the case with the Iraqis and the Afghans, right? I guess that if Mexico invaded the US, you wouldn’t fight back, would you? I recall the US fought back when Canada and Britain invaded us. I like to assume that other people are just like us, if they are human.
It’s different because North America is a strategic interest unlike the Middle East and Ukraine
What, an exception for Murkan exceptionalism? I think it is not different, invasion is invasion, force is force and murder is murder.
I'm not talking about morality
I'm talking about strategy and efficacy
edit: yes to an exception for American exceptionalism
Obama is wrong, America is exceptional
Ah… yes. Then what Israel, Turkey and Russia are doing is perfectly fine, right? They are acting strategically and with efficacy. It is just that so many bodies are being piled up, Living, breathing human beings are being magically transformed into piles of dead meat. Right, I understand that very well.
Russian actions are justified because they warned the west about NATO expansion in Ukraine and Georgia.
Turkey is complicated.
Israel is far from perfect. They need to negotiate a ceasefire. Same with Ukraine/Russia
Yes, these things are always complicated, just ask the Afghans about that. Also ask them what the response is every last time it happens.
Your assumption is utopian
We are all part of the human race!
No, my assumption is a hard earned observation of various peoples around the world through personal contact. How about yours. No, we are not all part of the human race. Haven’t you looked to the skies recently? Do you think all of them are drones, and other craft made by humans? I don’t.
I was being sarcastic about the "human race"
My assumptions are based on my personal experiences also