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One of the good things about the US education system is that it is very progressive towards disabilities. A student with dyslexia would be offered increased time and perhaps a separate testing environment. Maybe even someone to help read the questions, depending on the situation. I had to work with a blind student before and I actually made written descriptions of all the graphs... it was a lot of work, but the blind student got a great grade!
The AI tool is called Packback. The writing assignments are varied, but one example is: "Assess what you think about this policy being proposed in this year's ballot."
It's open ended, but I usually lead a discussion session about the writing assignment topic before it's due, so that the students have a jumping off point to think about.
is this the right link?
I have a friend who teaches math/science in Santa Monica (Crossroads).
He told me: I have opposed grading for years. I support mastery transcripts: no letter grades, all grades are narratives
Oh, no way. We live near that area and visited Crossroads as a possible choice for sending one of our kids.
I understand where your friend is coming from, but I don't think it's always practical. It could work at a smaller sized private school, but not a large public one.
There also needs to be an objective criterion by which students are held back. To me, the biggest problem in our education system is we're not holding back kids who should be.
Crossroads is expensive and has too many Hollywood elitists.
They were woke before it was trendy for schools to be woke.
Sadly, non-woke options are few and far between in Commiefornia