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I didn’t tell my joke correctly
I was making fun of behavioral economics by Thaler
Ariely makes some interesting points
Wasn't Ariely one of Francesca Geno's coauthors on one of her fraudulent studies? I wonder if he made a statement.
For some reason I never trusted Ariely, he seems like a smooth talker. I admit that my suspicions are entirely aesthetic
The softer the social science, the more likely it is to be hokum.
Oh, sorry. I thought they were all hokum and magic.
I think your instincts about Ariely are correct
I'm trying to make fun of both, but psychology is much worse, despite how bad econ can be.
I think it depends on which school of economics you are thinking of and of which brand of psychology you are thinking of.
I guess you can inject nuance into the discussion. This is the internet, though, so tread lightly.
If you put nuance in, most people, including me, miss it because we are so used to being beaten over the head with hammers not plushy dolls.