This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
@k00b have you considered changing "settings" to "sattings"? Maybe after you have some kids you'll change your mind 😛
I've gotten suspended from Twitter 3 times now for innocuous bs. Going to spend more time here instead :)
Looking for information from tabconf. It seems to be more interesting than the conference in Amsterdam, but unfortunately there are no channels of diffusion that understand what was said and the topics. If anyone knows where you can see videos about it, you would like to have the link to them
If last year is any indication, they release some of the video in a trickle after the event.
I'll wait then. Thx.
@k00b Ever consider just not allowing the posting of duplicate links instead of just the warning?
If a user has their feed on recent, they see the second one first and may end up tipping that one, incentivizing posting dupes.
It's in the far distance but I was thinking about this today too, the problem of spam. For this platform, you could make a scale for the expiring of the data based on how much it was tipped, this would put garbage sooner in the bin.
And I saw crossposts from Hive blockchain blogger today first time here. That one was a little more stimulating. I figured out that if you could anonymously pay for hosting of posts and associated media, and tips paid to hosting nodes, you could dispense with the centralised web page and switch out to an IPFS based feed and spam simply would fail to be funded and be deleted when space is needed.
All it requires is a payment/hosting protocol, and the one I'm building for indranet would so easily be extended to support this.
When I have the payment system working maybe I can get someone to build a service that binds to an IPFS node to enable renting storage for time on IPFS pins with anonymous payment, and later, can be anonymous upload when I get the routing working.
Yes, we've also considered making it more expensive to post dupes. Either would work.
We also have the problem of multiple sources reporting on the same piece of news, which is harder to "not allow."
Of course. Blocking same URL would be pretty easy. But maybe the dupe warning in red also warning that it will cost more is better. Incentives seem to work best in Bitcoin and everywhere else.
I think it's important because when one posts a link, the value is not only in the link, but also the community's comments on the link. If the comments are spread out, the value gained from the insightful SN community might be diminished for a user, if he can't find all the other dupes.
Making steady progress in my little cabin project 🙂 Yesterday I mounted six rafters on the ridge. Today I'm planning to mount the remaining four rafters and hopefully lay down some plywood on the roof - the weather is getting sketchy so I want to close up the building asap and cover it with permeable membrane.
Have a great day ahead!
What are you going to do in it once it's finished?
Mess around with 😅 Also my girlfriend will come over for few weeks 🙂 We'll setup the hot tub and chest freezer (ice bath) I bought last year and we'll be chilling away from it all 😅
Nice! Sounds great. You will have deserved it after this amount of proof of work, haha
I guess 😄
Will I ever make it in crypto? I've been in this space since 2016 but it feels like I haven't made any progress. I should have been rich by now, right?
lol, I thought you are trolling and I flagged your post. Then I looked up your profile this seems to have been sarcasm now. Sorry, haha
привет Бро! начинаю понимать что к чему... но мне хочется найти истиный путь для биткоина. давай помогать друг другу в поиске направления?
давать а не брать... отлично начало положено!
I finished my Midjourney Discord Bot with LNbits integration but now I am no longer sure if I should work on a website to make it accessible to a broader audience since it (unfortunately) breaks some ToS and I thus want to keep it below the radar.
And my rl friends don't seem to be interested in the bot anymore after I added LN invoices even though I told them I would gift them enough sats when they downloaded a LN wallet to fund their balance for the bot; effectively not changing anything for them after that. The sats would have been enough for 800 prompts.
Are your friends generally into tech? Sorry 4 u
Some study computer science just like me
Your friends might not be interested, but what about other servers?
I'll look into StableDiffusion. It seems to be able to run on consumer GPUs. So maybe I can invest into a GPU and integrate LN invoices there without breaking any ToS?
Stable Diffusion runs on under 10 GB of VRAM on consumer GPUs, generating images at 512x512 pixels in a few seconds. This will allow both researchers and soon the public to run this under a range of conditions, democratizing image generation. We look forward to the open ecosystem that will emerge around this and further models to truly explore the boundaries of latent space.
Thought about this. I recently joined a small Discord server about bitcoin (250 members). Will ask the admin what he thinks about this. 250 members doesn't seem too much so I don't think this bot will attract too much attention there, haha
On the other hand, I have been posting about the bot on here for a while. Think I mentioned the bot for the first time two weeks ago. I was excited to let SN test the bot by exposing it using HTTP. But seems like I can't risk it even though I think the worst that could happen would be my Discord and Midjourney account getting terminated (no lawsuit or similar). What do you think?
I can't stop thinking about the Federal Reserve. It controls asset prices worldwide, and yet it has been totally corrupt from its creation. The news yesterday about Atanta Fed Governor Bostic should be the beginning of the end, but it won't be.