Blyncsy, a Utah, US-based subsidiary of Bentley Systems – a software technology company serving the design, construction and engineering industries – announced it has developed and released (for free) a near real-time digital map, which logs infrastructure assets across the US interstate highway system
The public map was gathered via a network of dashboard cameras and sensors, with software using the images to input and catalogue items like guardrails, speed limit signs and work zones.
Users can navigate assets via a continental display of the US, or they can access and request data for specific states and regions
“When coupled with Blyncsy’s powerful AI image analysis toolset, [the cameras] can detect over 40 different road conditions and asset inventory issues in near-real time. These issues include potential roadway safety hazards from guardrail damage, missing signage, and lack of proper road striping to roadway vulnerabilities from crashes, natural disasters and work zone areas,” said Blyncsy.
One might ask how could this data be useful. Well if I was the director of some State Department of Transportation I would use this free map to view potential issues with my roads then develop a budget and a maintenance improvement plan.
Now if I was a bitcoin developer I would infuse this data with BTC maps and set up a sat bounty for construction private firms to fix then pay the sat bounty once the work is done.
I’m just spitballing here but def a cool project seeing construction and software intersecting for better productivity and capital investment