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Anyone else having an issue with Blixt wallet?
Anytime I try to send sats from the wallet I get an error message “could not find route to recipient” or “insufficient balance” even though I have a sufficient balance.
I had two channels open and closed the first one but the second one is showing inactive and I get the same error messages I got from the first channel when I try to select it.
I don’t have a lot on sats on there but I would prefer to get them off if possible.
Any insights?
Sats for all, GR
Must be something with your syncing the LN graph and neutrino peers. Restart in clearnet mode. Also from settings you could choose "delete neutrino files and restart". There's also an option to compact db file and restart.
Keep in mind: Blixt is a full LND node, not just a wallet. So it must be well synced in order to be able to send / receive payments. You could check that in settings - node info, to be synced to chain and to graph. Put it also in persistent mode so will keep alive the LND service. If you switch from one app to another and you close Blixt app is possible that your device OS will close the session. Keeping it in persistent mode will keep alive the app.
I wrote extensive FAQ and guides for Blixt here https://blixtwallet.github.io/faq
Following your guide. Resyncing now.
Here is a list of neutrino peers that you can use, choose for your near region, leave only the one that have a good ping from your location:
btcd1.lnolymp.us | btcd2.lnolymp.us - for US region sg.lnolymp.us - for Asia region btcd-mainnet.lightning.computer - for US region uswest.blixtwallet.com (Seattle) - for US region europe.blixtwallet.com (Germany) - for EU region asia.blixtwallet.com - for Asia region node.eldamar.icu - for US region noad.sathoarder.com - for US region bb1.breez.technology | bb2.breez.technology - for US region neutrino.shock.network - US region
Hampus (the Blixt wallet developer) has a telegram chat you can ask him in. I will warn you ahead of time that racism runs unrestrained in that chat.
If you closed one channel and the other is inactive your spendable balance (on LN) is 0
If you think the inactive one will come back online, its local balance (minus some for commit fees) will be your spendable balance, but you may as well attempt a cooperative close if it does come online. A force close otherwise will take probably a few weeks to settle and is going to be a little more expensive.
The balance of the channel you closed will have to be spent on chain. This may or may not be settled yet depending on the state of the channel when it was closed.
Thanks. The inactive channel is active now but still showing insufficient balance when I try to send even though I have more than enough sats to cover commit fee and what I am attempting to send.
I am going to contact their support.
Just to be clear there's 2 fees implied, the routing fee and the channel reserve... my guess is you're up against the channel reserve.
If you're done with that wallet I'd recommend just closing the active channel then sweeping out everything on-chain, that will maximize what you get out of it.
Thanks. I will do that.
The first thing that comes to mind is that their channels might not be balanced, I'm assuming you are using a 3rd party LN node.
I had issues with some LN wallet I tried in the past but forgot the name, and it was something similar to what you are saying, I had sats in my wallet but I couldn't move them out, I reached out to the maintainers and they said it was just a matter of time for them to rebalance the channels and then eventually I was able to.
Some wallets might also allow you to "loop out" meaning you would receive those sats on the Bitcoin network, at the cost of a fee which depends on the node runner.
Thanks. I will try to reach out to support.
I just posted using Blixt without an issue. I use it for desktop SN posting of long posts, but I have a channel open to SN, and one to my own node, as well as a small one using their LSP. Is one of your channels their LSP? (Dunder)
Blixt works nice on Mac desktop too. And if you put it persistent mode, you have a full desktop node.
Yes using their LSP.