This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
мысли пришли из другого конца нашей галактики...
Does anyone know where to key a Satoshi Nakamoto hat like Kanye was wearing?
I hat it when I agree with someone but they make a nonsensical argument. Or I agree but they interpret me mentioning caveats as disagreeing/hostility.
When tf did humans became allergic to nuance?
Feeling very anxious lately. It's almost like the market has been trading sideways for years now.
Hang in there! One more year of this… then it’s the halving
Thank you for the words of encouragement. Much appreciated.
Just chilling on the block vibing to donda
Making steady progress in my cabin project 😉 Over the weekend I managed to finish the roof frame and cover most of it with plywood. Today I'm planning to cover the remaining part along with what's left on the walls. Then I'll be laying down the preamble membrane to seal up the building 🙂
Have a great day ahead!
Monday morning in the UK: The new Chancellor (4th one this year) has almost completely reversed all policies of the last Chancellor.
Chaos. I'd be surprised if Truss lasts another month TBH.
Good day SN