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Honestly I don't have an answer. I just feel like existing compensation models don't work for some things we're trying to do on SN. I'm thinking that an idea like yours might work, but I didn't have it in mind.
Would you consider paying people to write for the territory?
Maybe rather than a contest. You can have a weekly feature and pay a base sats rate and then share the sats with them.
There are obviously some issues with this because you don’t want to pay for people to write crap and people don’t want to be told what to write about so there would need to be some coordination between you and an author.
Just spitballing here.
Yes! I have thought about that a lot. I have also thought about paying curators to more usefully organize the content as it grows and expands into different areas.
Maybe try a weekly feature. Whether it be a short story or long form blog style post.
I think 10k sats plus 50% share of the zaps is a reasonable offer to test this idea.
Good idea. In fact it's such a good idea I think I'll do it now. To start I will make the offer to just two stackers, @SimpleStacker and @denlillaapan, and let them choose the content.
I'm intrigued. How do you envision this working, logistically?
I would've been happy to continue writing academic article reviews without explicit compensation, but having some agreement in place would likely encourage me to do them on a more regular basis, as well as branch out into other types of content. I also would be happy to be part of an experiment in supporting more value to territories.
Btw, I did have another article review planned and was thinking of doing it some time after the new year. I've been traveling with family for the holidays so mostly been just lurking for the past few weeks.
Enjoy your holidays, or what's left of them. I probably jumped the gun on this, but I definitely want to do it. I'm formulating a plan now. I will let you know when I'm ready and see if you're interested. General framework: A SN territory sponsored publication with very high quality writing with a general bitcoin/economics subject matter, but I'm open to ideas in adjacent areas.
Uhm, okaaay.
Not sure I grasped the parameters of this — and it's too late for me over here to figure out how serious this convo is — but... What exactly would you like me to do?
I probably jumped the gun on this, but I definitely want to do it in some form or another. I'm formulating a plan now. I will let you know when I'm ready and see if you're interested. General framework: A SN territory sponsored publication with very high quality writing with a general bitcoin/economics subject matter, but I'm open to ideas in adjacent areas.
Awesome. Looking forward to this experiment.
But that essentially is a pay wall.....which doesnt seem to work out. Is it possible to sponsor content? But how do you choose who to sponsor, and how do you get the capital? Its a super complex problem.