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I don't use Hacker News much at all. Logged in for what is probably the first time recently in half a decade or more maybe. Do they really not have markdown support? Things like bold and
  • lists
  • of
  • stuff
and italics for quotations and such make a huge difference!
The only thing missing that I'm hoping to see someday is a way to choose emojis 🔍 , like what Twitter, and Mastodon offer.
I want a richer editor eventually. Easier emojis would be good add.
If you have a Mac, you can press ctrl + cmd + space bar to pop up the emoji selector. Not sure what the keyboard shortcut is for Windows.
Says here, it is Win + period (.) on Windows.
That's cool (I think ... Linux user here, and there's no equivalent -- at least, not built-in, as far as I know).