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32 sats \ 41 replies \ @Undisciplined 27 Dec 2024 \ parent \ on: deleted by author alter_native
We used to have the same (or at least very similar) rewards system, but no leader board to view it on.
I'm fairly agnostic about the leader board. Some people hate it, some people like it, I find it fairly interesting to observe.
I think the primary draw of stacker news is that people will actually talk to you about what you post and there's a good chance they will even be thoughtful. Earning rewards is certainly a draw, as well, but I think it's secondary. The two work together, though.
Yes, they work together well. Could it be because of the people that SN attracts? I like observing the leaderboard, too. It gives some sort of clue on who is worthwhile conversing with.
Could it be because of the people that SN attracts?
It certainly might. This comes up a lot when we talk about scaling SN. Are there a lot of other people who will "get it" or have we already found most of the high quality stackers?
I'm sure it's a little bit of both, but this might remain a somewhat small community, if it turns out that we're all just a bunch of weirdos.
I would guess that there are a lot of other folks out there that would appreciate SN! They just, to this point, don’t know about it. That is the problem, how to inform people that are prospective clients. I think this is one of those things better left to word of mouth and a good incentive for bringing in new people. That is how I got into it.
That seems likely, but most of us have failed miserably at recruiting, regardless of how suitable our target audiences seemed.
I don’t know, are you asking correctly?
Apparently not
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Show some receipts that people are being "taken from". I don't like all the vague accusations.
I don’t see much “just taken from”, what I see is that there are a lot of us both giving and taking, depending on the conversation. I don’t see a majority of takers out there.
Maybe i am just blind and non-discerning. There does seem to be a lot of talk of “assmilking” going on.
Since k00b subsidizes the rewards so heavily, most of us are net receivers of sats.
Hopefully, the assmilking talk dies down soon. It's annoying. I promise that isn't what SN was always like.
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That is not what's in the code, as far as I understand it. Having higher trust confers benefits, but trust and seniority are not the same thing.
Also, trust doesn't directly earn you more rewards. It makes your zaps more meaningful in where content is ranked. High trust primarily benefits the recipients of zaps.
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Dave, are you making the case for what the others are calling assmilkers? I don’t think everybody can zap tons of sats out to lots of other people, especially for trash. Discernment plays a big part but so does the wealth factor. I think those that have lots of sats to give are probably giving them, while the rest of us are doing as we can.
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Have you tried sharing your POV with the developers? They would be the ones to make the changes you think are proper.
Yes, I have.
These are completely valid points, but I would reframe them a bit.
Are k00b's posts the best by far? No. There are lots of great creators.
Are k00b's posts worth 1000 sats? Almost always.
That means others are being underzapped. Be the change and zap the other good creators. The rewards system incentivizes exactly that.
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Could it be that subjectively, @k00b’s posts are worth 1000 to somebody, just not you? I can’t zap for thousands per post, even if I liked it very much. I have to have sats before I can zap sats. It looks a lot like the “liquidity trap” that the Keynesians believe in.
If you scroll through his posts (like I just did), you'll see that dozens of stackers regularly zap his posts. There's nothing at all strange about people who use the site he made zapping him 10's of sats.
Ok, well value is in the eye of the beholder.
I'm not pricing in USD, btw. There are hundreds of people here everyday enjoying what he built, so the idea that he averages a couple of sats per stacker hardly seems outrageous.
I guess, in a way, we are paying @k00b upfront for improvements he is making in the environment. I don’t have a problem with that, at all. I see the value there.