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They'll probably need a better argument than either of you have presented.
Here is an argument: Why should I post here instead of another social network? If I post here, I stand a chance of earning zaps of sats, don’t I? I don’t see that system any where else. It is unique as far as I can see. It draws my attention and perhaps yours, too. The leaderboard is a way to distribute rewards for work done, isn’t it?
SN needs to somehow attract new people and the only way to sell, as I have seen by experience is either greed or fear. When you have sats to distribute, maybe, just maybe, greed is the way to go. People just do not like fear, if they can avoid it. And, avoid it they will as well as SN.
Don’t you want a larger population to converse with?
I think the leader board is a non-essential display of the rewards being paid out. An argument could probably be made that it's good for transparency.
From my perspective, we've been adding new people at a nice clip. I know the aggregate numbers don't show it, but most of the people I regularly interact with weren't here when I joined.
Do you think that this could be because of the incentive system that has evolved on SN? I think transparency is a big help and a lot of people appreciate it. I just wonder how many would wander off to other pastures if there were no leaderboard? Do you think that it is part of the draw that SN has?
We used to have the same (or at least very similar) rewards system, but no leader board to view it on.
I'm fairly agnostic about the leader board. Some people hate it, some people like it, I find it fairly interesting to observe.
I think the primary draw of stacker news is that people will actually talk to you about what you post and there's a good chance they will even be thoughtful. Earning rewards is certainly a draw, as well, but I think it's secondary. The two work together, though.
Yes, they work together well. Could it be because of the people that SN attracts? I like observing the leaderboard, too. It gives some sort of clue on who is worthwhile conversing with.
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These are all separate issues, to me.
We can have a rewards system, without a leader board. That's what we had before MSM.
We have other leader boards that don't relate to rewards: top stacker, top zapper, etc.
Proof of work will always benefit those who have been around longer. That's how reputation works. The trust score is part of that and plays a role in keeping the system honest.
I really don't think you or Darth appreciate the game theory at play in these systems and why this incentive structure is so important. There are lots of other places where content can be zapped and none of them function as well as SN. That's not an accident. It's an outcome of the thought and care k00b put into designing SN.
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Without an incentive (reward) for zapping, people just freeride. No one zaps on nostr (essentially) and everyone zaps here (essentially).
There are many downstream effects of this.
  • I think the way we just scroll past stuff, on other platforms, is partially a result of not having an incentive (reward) for engaging with it.
  • When people aren't zapping, good content doesn't get elevated out of the noise, which makes it even harder to find good content.
  • Without zapping, people will stop paying to post
  • More importantly, without zapping, people will stop putting in the extra thought that currently goes into SN posts and comments.
The whole thing falls apart without the rewards system. If you think it's hard for newcomers now, the world without rewards would be so much more challenging (see nostr). Only people with established sycophantic followings would get zapped on their posts.
Perhaps not surprising, then, that the person who's been here the longest and has the most sycophantic following is leading this effort.
nostr is a dead zone where nobody other than known faces in the btc world get any zaps. no incentive really to be there, SN is the only place where zaps flow both ways, every other thing i have seen to earn zaps, maybe apart from fountain, is just shit
@Undisciplined, perhaps you should go to the current Assmilker post to give your argument there, too. It seems people just cannot understand both the game theory or the incentive system without a cogent explanation. To me, it looks like they are asking for the dissolution of SN through loss of participants because they are bellyaching about the proof of work rewards system.
I'm tired of tilting at their windmills. I don't think Darth's sycophants are acting in good faith, so I'm done engaging with them.
Yes, there is no use talking with someone that is blind and deaf. There is a saying, “When you see a crazy man is arguing with a drunk, how do you tell which is which?” Some people just blind and deafen themselves to any arguments because they ”know better”.
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It is difficult to stay out of the middle of the arguments between crazy and drunk people. It is, in fact, very hard on the person in the middle, too.
Do sycophants ever act in good faith?
I think you would be hard put to find one that did. I think their good faith is invested in the object of their sycophancy. Unless you are the object, you may get short shrift.
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OK. I think I understand what is going on with the board. See #826878 For more thoughts on the subject.
Hmm, maybe not
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I don't think the rewards pool should go but I am open to the idea of changing the way the pool is distributed and I would like SN to not have to fund the pool every day.
As for the leaderboard, I think it can go unless it is used as a way to promote something that is funding the rewards pool. If the leaderboard was brought to you by xyz and xyz was funding the pool 100k sats a day I would be cool with the leaderboard but currently it just has the largest boost for the last month at the top of the page and I don't think 30 days of visibility for a post in exchange for a 200k boost is a fair trade for SN.
There needs to be an incentive to zap, otherwise Stacker News' future would rely solely on charity and charity doesn't scale. If it did, the world would be a much better place, with no one starving, freezing, or dying from treatable diseases. While the incentives don't need to be financial, financial incentives are the most straightforward solution. See #770966 for further discussion.
I know a few people who opted for donations instead of a wedding registry.
Donations were bare.
I told them take the gifts, sell them for money and give to charity
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73 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 26 Dec 2024
Do you think nostr will continue to scale up?
Will there be more users next year? Sure.
Will there be more signal than noise next year? No, not with the current incentives.
I see what you say but as someone who doesn't post much if at all on weekends or during busy times of the week the argument of the first comers benefit falls by the wayside. My max Cowboy hat is 21 and that took hella effort. If you make quality posts and if you post in quality and common sense areas you can easily climb the rewards board.
I also get the feeling that they are going to keep working in it and nuking people who have been around for a longer and longer period. Those people who have been around longer as well tend to have more stats and a better standing to boost new people.
Anyway those are my two cents lol
Something weird is happening with the leaderboard. What do you need to do to get on it? I've spent over 400 sats and nothing. That's odd.
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I'm skeptical about witches, but it looks like they're a thing. Ahah! do you know anyone who knows about this? I'm kinda stuck.
The developers do for sure.
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