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Yeah, it's complex. I don't have any patience for the "I'm just doing my job!" argument as an indemnification for evil -- e.g., the standard Nazi retort. You shouldn't be evil, period.
But it's also true that it's sometimes hard to know what's evil when the system is very big, because you don't see the control group. And it's also true that some things are out of your control entirely. If you're an exchange, and you want to operate in Europe, either you comply w/ European law, or you don't operate in Europe. Which outcome would you prefer?
I suppose there are some cases where you're so important to a system that you can ignore certain rules, and the system will adapt to you, and not vice versa. That's rare, but it happens, e.g., that old thing about "If you owe the bank $100k, the bank owns you. If you owe the bank $100b, you own the bank."
Kraken's not in that category, obv.
And it's also sometimes true that if you heroically martyr yourself, the system can take note of it, and maybe, after a million more butterflies flap their wings, things will change. I don't usually hold my breath for these changes, though.