pull down to refresh

Interesting, didn't know LNbits has a stream overlay. I hacked together a simple zap overlay for SNL at https://zap.ekzy.is/overlay.
It's meant to be used as a browser source, no need to install LNbits. No animations or fancy stuff though, still work in progress.
We want to test it out next time.
Or @Car is okay with installing LNbits and trying out this? I don't mind, less work for me 👀
Also ZBD they have a streaming overlay, but is quite buggy. With LNbits zappers have something in return... fun animations. Also can be extended with LNbits bitcoin switch and "electrocute" the streamers or start a switch on their table... so many options.
Electrocute switch :)
I'll take a look, but I think that this needs LNbits makes this more complicated than necessary. A stream overlay could just be hosted on a site where you enter your lightning address.
Imagine a connected beertap machine to the lnbits bitcoin switch and I can zap 1000 sats and give to @Car a direct beer, live !
Seriously now, you can do so many things with a LNbits instance...
ya they had one of these at tabconf it was sic 🔥