Just an idea off the top of my head on a possible path: you know how there is a place for a message with a LN payment? you somehow automate a way to put the sender's email address in there, which temporarily whitelists the email address for one message.
Also, so I know monetizing software is a bit taboo in the Bitcoin space, but instead of relying on donations, you can take a small % (1 to 5%) of the sats to help keep it nice and maintained well. If you make it FOSS, someone will copy it anyway and put out a free, but not well-maintained version anyway.
Built in monetization models are great. Bitcoin is made out of incentives. If we had a professional, working version of every product that was started on Bitcoin, but was abandoned due to the developers not getting anything out of it, Bitcoin would be decades ahead.
Also, if the model could support itself that way, it could stay ad-free. Because ads go hand in hand with collecting data.
Love the idea.
Also, "monetizing software is a bit taboo". Seriously, wth! Except the miners, which is at the core of why the bitcoin network works in the first place, lol!
We can make a case that NOT monetizing is anti-Bitcoin.
Anyhow We should ALWAYS monetize, and it does not have to be seen as bad or done is some shitty way.
  1. Release open source. Most people won't bother self-hosting anything.
  2. Offer hosting / service for a fee.
We won't reach any meaningful adoption without proper incentives.

" If we had a professional, working version of every product that was started on Bitcoin, but was abandoned due to the developers not getting anything out of it, Bitcoin would be decades ahead."
^ Now that's a great idea @timechain!