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Find an integer n such that the base 36 expansion of \tan(n) begins "happy.newyear".
Caveat: I haven't written the code yet to do this myself, but I'm confident an answer exists. Actually, there should be infinitely many. I'll give it a try myself in the morning.
Previous iteration: #826121 (solution in #826313).
The base36 part is probably the easiest, all you need is tan(n) \approx 29053366.650397708276
We can try various m in n = \pi \times m + 1.570796292375477623 to find something close enough to an integer n.
But this seems to require arbitrary precision floating points, and with a naive search (m=1, 2, 3, ...) I haven't found anything yet.
Yeah brute forcing isn't working out just yet for me either. I think there must be some smarter way to do it, but don't have time now to think about it.
Here already a few sats for your CPU time, this looks good enough if we rephrase the question to allow for floats that are nearly integer~~
Edit: I'm curious though how you found this float. I'm just iterating over integers...
I think one may be able to approach this using continued fractions. Should give a more targeted way to focus on the more promising angle candidates.
Actually, maybe that's what you did above to find your near integer?
I ended up playing with the continued fractions. I used ChatGPT to help me write out the logic. In this process, ChatGPT came up with the idea of the Levenshtein distance to check for near misses.
No answer yet on "happy.newyear" case, testing on a simpler string now.
This is taking me more time than expected~~
import math
from difflib import SequenceMatcher

# === User Adjustable Variables ===
MIN_N = 72523715257       # Minimum value of n to search
SEARCH_RANGE = 100000     # The range of offsets around each approximation to search
PRECISION_SCALE = 1e15    # Scale factor for capturing decimal precision in base-36
MAX_TERMS = 200           # Number of terms in the continued fraction expansion
SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD = 0.8  # Minimum similarity (0-1) to report a near miss
# =================================

# Function to convert a number to a base-36 string
def to_base36(num):
    chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    if num < 0:
        return "-" + to_base36(-num)
    if num == 0:
        return "0"
    base36 = []
    while num > 0:
        base36.append(chars[num % 36])
        num //= 36
    return "".join(reversed(base36))

# Function to compute the continued fraction expansion of a number
def continued_fraction_expansion(x, max_terms):
    terms = []
    for _ in range(max_terms):
        int_part = int(x)
        frac_part = x - int_part
        if frac_part == 0:
        x = 1 / frac_part
    return terms

# Function to compute rational approximations from continued fraction terms
def rational_approximations(cf_terms):
    approximations = []
    p0, p1 = 1, cf_terms[0]
    q0, q1 = 0, 1
    approximations.append((p1, q1))
    for term in cf_terms[1:]:
        p2 = term * p1 + p0
        q2 = term * q1 + q0
        approximations.append((p2, q2))
        p0, p1 = p1, p2
        q0, q1 = q1, q2
    return approximations

# Base-36 target string
target_prefix = "merry.christmas"

# Convert target base-36 string to decimal value
def base36_to_decimal(base36_str):
    chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    int_part, _, frac_part = base36_str.partition(".")
    # Integer part conversion
    int_value = sum(chars.index(c) * (36 ** i) for i, c in enumerate(reversed(int_part)))
    # Fractional part conversion
    frac_value = sum(chars.index(c) * (36 ** -(i + 1)) for i, c in enumerate(frac_part))
    return int_value + frac_value

# Decimal value of "merry.christmas"
base36_value = base36_to_decimal(target_prefix)

# Compute continued fraction expansion and rational approximations
cf_terms = continued_fraction_expansion(base36_value, max_terms=MAX_TERMS)
rational_approximations_list = rational_approximations(cf_terms)

# Function to compute similarity between two strings
def similarity(a, b):
    return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()

# Function to check if the base-36 representation of tan(n) starts with target prefix
def check_prefix_of_tan(n, target_prefix):
        tan_value = math.tan(n)
        base36_tan = to_base36(int(abs(tan_value) * PRECISION_SCALE))  # Scale for precision
        exact_match = base36_tan.startswith(target_prefix.replace(".", ""))
        return exact_match, base36_tan
    except ValueError:
        return False, None

# Extended search for a solution
found_n = None
near_misses = []  # Store near misses for analysis
for p, q in rational_approximations_list:
    # Compute n from arctan(p/q)
    angle_radians = math.atan(p / q)
    angle_degrees = math.degrees(angle_radians)  # Convert to degrees
    n = round(angle_degrees)  # Round to nearest integer

    # Adjust for large minimum n
    n = max(n, MIN_N)

    # Test a range of values around n for periodicity
    for offset in range(-SEARCH_RANGE, SEARCH_RANGE + 1):  # Search within range
        test_n = n + offset
        is_match, base36_tan = check_prefix_of_tan(test_n, target_prefix)
        if is_match:
            found_n = test_n
        elif base36_tan:  # Check for near misses
            sim_score = similarity(base36_tan, target_prefix.replace(".", ""))
            if sim_score >= SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD:
                near_misses.append((test_n, base36_tan, sim_score))
    if found_n:

# Output results
if found_n:
    print("Found n:", found_n)
    print("No exact match found.")
    print("Near misses:")
    for miss in sorted(near_misses, key=lambda x: -x[2]):  # Sort by similarity score
        print(f"n={miss[0]}, base-36={miss[1]}, similarity={miss[2]:.2f}")

I got strange results with Python's built-in floats, as if the precision wasn't good enough.
Closest match so far:
No, I did just brute force using LibBF. Reading up continued fractions now, like this?