Firstly, a nappy NY to stackers, wherever you are, where the fuck did 2024 go already?
While most people make resolutions, I don't really do that, but I do have some bitcoin goals and things I haven't yet done.
The first is to run a node, I got some advice here a while back on that and decided I needed to buy a new device to do it, my flaccid old laptop I was going to repurpose is too shit even for a pruned note, so I will set start saving for something new and dedicated.
the second main thing I want to do is get a bitaxe and, technically, become a miner. now it's just a play toy basically, but I think it will be interesting to at least have some small interaction with the mining side as it's still largely an abstraction.
finally, I will try and find a more reliable way of securing new clients, it's rough going out there being self-employed guys, no paid sick days, no planned raises and inflation keeps on going etc. More clients = more opportunities to build the stack.
Looking back through the year, I can say I stacked as much as I possibly could, discovered SN (the only legit v4v sat earning game in town), learned more about Austrian economics, and started non-kyc buying, so onwards and upwards from here