pull down to refresh

Check out WordForm.
It's a WIP but aligns with what you're describing.
Unluckly the login via LN is not working form me. But I grasped the idea, nice!
Nevermind, I was able to login, was just a UI trap :)
PS: I think the login/signup should be direct without any friction via LN; on signup the user can choose/change the username after. I was blocked by the Login button under the ID and didn't note the login/new switch above the QR.
Appreciate the feedback.
What device are you using that's giving the UX display issues?
It is not a device problem (I tried with a smartphone and the with a PC) but a (I think) UX one. When I login/signup via LN I expect to be logged automatically, without do any other step before or after. I saw the QR and shot it without noticing the login/create switch above that ask for the username; so when the ID appared below the QR I hit "Login" but a validation error popup above and was quite puzled by the dynamic.
I suggest you to do post to showcase the project and ask for feedbacks :)
Ah gotcha.
The reason for the is a user account is not mapped 1-to-1 with a wallet, but rather 1-to-many. This gives a user the ability to sign in from multiple wallets/devices.
That being said, your feedback is very helpful. The UX is probably unintuitive for most since it's a new signin flow.