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/cc @k00b
Lurking SN I see that original and moderate long content is really appreciated. If a user invest some time producing it is a shame that it could be lost in the archive pagination. Why don't let the user mark his own discussionss as "blog post" and so categorize them in a specific tab in the profile?
This automatically enable a blog platform for every user and will increase the discoverability of the best contents. I would visit a user's blog for sure if I discover him through a great post in the homepage; don't you?
Bonus point: in the future will be trivial to let the user create paywalled post, so SN can become a Substack competitor too >:) And @DarthCoin could settle here permanently!!
Stackers: would you appreciate this feature?
Yes please @k00b. I intend to publish 5 long-form articles (more than 4000 words each) as soon as this feature becomes available on SN.
I am currently setting up a Substack but will delete it immediately when blogging on SN is available.
This is the reaction I would love to see! :)
What would make this better on SN then on substack? The ability to comment?
I don't understand why you would move to SN.
So he can earn sats for his articles.
Substack on lightning sounds dope
Okay, I can see that this would make it easier for SN users. But everyone who only wants to read and isn't logged in can't tip. Then, simple donation addresses at the bottom (or wherever) would make more sense as is already done on blogs. But yes, translating upvotes to tips makes tipping pretty accessible. More pages should work like this. Maybe this could work by better integration of extensions like Alby?
But everyone who only wants to read and isn't logged in can't tip.
Every NS user has a @stacker.news address that can be used for tipping if you don't want to register/login.
Not sure if I would be using too much SN. Lately the amount of shitcoining / shitposting on SN is increasing at levels that makes me not anymore interested to visit SN and posting more stuff.
Slowly the alternative to reddit, cleaner and more interesting, became a new old reddit full of useless "news" and ramblings around shitcoins.
I notice that also bitcoin / lightning devs start avoiding to come back here, exactly because of that. Shame, I thought SN will be a nice platform for Bitcoin/LN discussions, but seems to became a "milking cow" of sats by people that don't have any intention to bring some good content.
The few users here that post good content, I feel them tired too.
I don't know how SN could get out from this chicken and egg game. I think will be better to give less incentives for all and don't make SN as another "passive earning" tool. People must work hard to earn real sats.
Maybe a separation of "boosts" from tips, will help. Tipping sats must be something that the reader really appreciate and want to show that appreciation. Boosts must be only when the reader want that post to be more visible and more discussed. Right now not all SN users know that.
And btw... I do not want to "paywall" my guides. Bitcoin information and guides must be free forever. If the reader really want to send some sats as appreciation for the help I provided, is their own choice, I do not force anybody to pay for my guides.
Maybe I'm not looking hard enough but I haven't seen any shitcoining here, can someone link some examples?
of course you don't see them, you are still influenced by them and still consider them a "normality". That means you are quite "new" in bitcoin space. #82303
An empty zero sats comment by 2 days ago? Really? :) No one noted it, and this is absolutely fine.
He is actually referring to my own comment expecting it to be some kind of sick burn.
Some some-called "hardcore" bitcoiners still have the mentality of a 5 year old.
Care to explain how am I still influenced by them?
Do you even know how long ago I was orangepilled or are you just forcing your own blinded narrative anyway you can?
Your sense of entitlement and ad hominem attacks is in very poor taste.
Care to explain how am I still influenced by them?
Don't take DarthCoin's jabs personally. He is hardcore bitcoin, thus the vader reference in his nym.
Having to defend bitcoin gets tiring, and even though bitcoin doesn't really need defending, working to educate people about it and having to answer the same questions and objections over and over can lead a maximalist to look for something that is more echo-chamberish. Hoping for a public platform like SN to be that echo chamber is probably misplaced. SN is intended (I think) to be that sword edge to slice through lies and ignorance for those seeking the truth.
Darthcoin has explained himself many times, that he was never a shitcoiner, and therefore has no empathy for those repeating the objections against the design decisions and optimization for decentralization that were made by Satoshi himself. To attempt discussions about these topics, revisiting the block size/time debate years after its been settled by the market should bring with it an expectation you will be confronted. For the moment, its a horse long dead.
None of that relates to "being a hardcore bitcoiner" or "defending bitcoin". He's just being a douche.
No one here attacked bitcoin.
I don't take any of it personally, I just criticize that kind of nonsense, he can either take it or leave it.
To be honest, that's a bad example.
I also didn't notice any significant change so far.
This will inevitably happen to any platform that becomes popular, plus SN has the added incentive of being rewarded for submitting popular content.
Hopefully, subs will help with this.
Thanks for the feedback!
became a new old reddit full of useless "news"
The few users here that post good content, I feel them tired too.
people that don't have any intention to bring some good content.
People must work hard to earn real sats.
So let's move thoward a format that promote good content instead of links spammed to earn some sats.
Bitcoin information and guides must be free forever.
It is now an universal law :)
I do not force anybody to pay for my guides.
Legit. But someone could find a balance between work hard to produce good content and earn to live.
Slowly the alternative to reddit, cleaner and more interesting, became a new old reddit full of useless "news" and ramblings around shitcoins.
Then upvote the stuff you'd like to see, onboard people that you think will upvote the right content and let the free market decide.
If you're pissed that your specific topics and opinions are not shared by everyone nobody can help you with that. You don't live in a world revolving around you and no site in the world is going to change that. You're substack is the pinnacle of this vanity.
What do you mean with
You're substack is the pinnacle of this vanity.
You think his substack didn't add any value to the world regarding bitcoin and helped people to form opinions about it?
If you're pissed that your specific topics and opinions are not shared by everyone nobody can help you with that. You don't live in a world revolving around you and no site in the world is going to change that.
Also, nowhere did he say that he is pissed or that he thinks the world revolves around him. He just added his thoughts to the post and why he thinks so. You just jumped to conclusions based on your own view about him. Your whole second paragraph is probably exactly what he complained about. Very reddit-like. No thinking, just jumping to conclusions and personal attacking. You could have left it at the first paragraph.
I don't give a shit if you read or not my SN posts or substack. Those are not for you in the first place.
Well, then stop complaining that not everyone is an exact copy of you πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚
I think recreating blogging software might be a beast of its own, but I think a good middle ground that I would love is being able to pull in stacker news comments into existing blogging software. Thinking Disqus but lightning enabled. Brings users to stacker news too because if they want to comment, it has to be lightning enabled and with SN.
🎯 i've told @k00b this for over a year, i forgot the reason why it couldn't be done just yet
I also told him a year ago too in the pleb lab lol. Right about when i stopped using twitter and wanted comments on my blog.
I think this is an excellent idea.
Great :) Would you be a reader, a writer or both?
Definitely a reader, and possibly both when my responses get too long!
Sounds like a good idea to me
Great idea! Not only would I read the blogs, I would also read the blogs that you read @undefined, and so on so forth. I would tip you for suggesting which blogs to read, and also of course tip the writer of the blog.
This! ^
What prevents a user from doing a series of texto posts resembling blog articles and you clicking on their profile to find their other articles?
Maybe there is an angle I'm missing.
If the user do a lot of posts including links or questions, might want filter his "best posts" from a content perspective and group them as a blog.
Hmm then I think tags solve that issue in a more generalizable and future-proof manner.
Hardcoding a personal blog functionality just looks like feature creep, specially if users don't engage with it and it never takes off.
Hardcoding a personal blog functionality just looks like feature creep, specially if users don't engage with it and it never takes off.
Yes, I could agree on this point. But you have to valutate if you want to advocate a function to give a form to the project, versus let him plasmate himself. It the users don't engage let's fix the function or remove it, not fear. On the tecnical side you can use tags to star the post, of course; the critical point is give them visibility in the profile via a proper section/button. However I think that a checkbox is minimalist (KISS) and the migration to a tags system, if needed, is trivial.
I actually love this kinds of design discussions even if I disagree with the original idea, many great ideas can come off it (I think it was John Carmack who said something like that as well).
Maybe allowing users to curate their own profile (similarly to github) is the answer. Tags can be part of the implementation and blog-like profiles can arise from it.
Both roads can coexist, a proposed feature and some flexible tools as tags to let the community create a spontaneous usage pattern.
PS: I my opinion tags can create quite chaotic and spammy structure if the user is completely free to create and use them.
Pinned posts also come to my mind here. Like pinned on your own profile.
Also subscribing to users since you would want to know about new (blog) posts from them for proper "blogging functionality".
Yes, "pinned post" could be a more neutral alternative to the "blog" narrative :)
But the user should be able to pin the post only at the creation, not after facts in an edit. This express the intention to create a valuable content and is not used to showcase a conversation.
I think some thinking needs to be done regarding the game theory to prevent scammers from getting cheap publicity. I'd say that would mean default ordering should show ranking by tips, as garbage won't get tipped. Untipped items in other views could be somewhat dimmed perhaps if they are old also, to indicate they are probably not interesting.
I think topic-related posts like megathreads in old school forums would be a great feature, it just needs the possibility of setting the default view to chronological order rather than "hot".
And there could be a separate way to find posts with text versus link only perhaps.
I dunno. Anyway, the current interface design definitely could benefit from some careful design to mitigate the growing number of crossposters from Hive and similar shitcoin forums, from ungracious morons who brag about how much "sats" they earn for their platform praising waffle.
Interesting points; user interface and content discoverabiliy can be modified and probably improved in a lot of way.
However my proposal is just about letting every user to "star" is own content to highlight it in the profile. It is not related to the main page appearance / structure / ranking engine.
I also like the chronological view idea like the old school forums. It is also very Bitcoinian since Bitcoin teaches us to think about the time chain, ordering events by time.
With regards to the game theory, I think it is essential to deal with the issue of fake upvoting. You can easy send sats back and forth between multiple accounts to upvote your own content without spending any sats. This a circular economy. So how do you detect fraudulent circular tips? I warn against sorting by tip amount.
yeah, catching circular paths is tricky. It's not an easy thing to write code to detect it. But what you can do is decrease weighting of the vote, not the value, by frequency, which reduces the advantage gained and realigns the incentive.
it is amazing to me how the obvious game cheat teks of scammers is still not well understood. I must be getting old.
Frequency of what?
frequency of voting. As in, the votes don't matter as much if the user makes them more often, some kind of time decay factor of effect that declines the more votes they make.
There is also the possibility of tracking the circular paths of funds going into these "votes" as well.
Gaming these kinds of forum micropayment systems has got to a point of an art on platforms like Steem and Hive.
I like the idea but I feel like a reputation system and categories of some kind is important, look at substack and medium, it's filled with rubbish and curators work hard everyday to clean it up and have things filter to the top, many people just syndicate their content on those platforms hoping to get them to their website as a funnel
This can already be done. The blog sub section does not boost this dark pattern in any way because I have to actively visit the user profile to discover the "best posts", aka blog; and I don't visit it if his content is not good enough.
Imagine the blog section as the Post one, filtered. Nothing more.
Check out WordForm.
It's a WIP but aligns with what you're describing.
Unluckly the login via LN is not working form me. But I grasped the idea, nice!
Nevermind, I was able to login, was just a UI trap :)
PS: I think the login/signup should be direct without any friction via LN; on signup the user can choose/change the username after. I was blocked by the Login button under the ID and didn't note the login/new switch above the QR.
Appreciate the feedback.
What device are you using that's giving the UX display issues?
It is not a device problem (I tried with a smartphone and the with a PC) but a (I think) UX one. When I login/signup via LN I expect to be logged automatically, without do any other step before or after. I saw the QR and shot it without noticing the login/create switch above that ask for the username; so when the ID appared below the QR I hit "Login" but a validation error popup above and was quite puzled by the dynamic.
I suggest you to do post to showcase the project and ask for feedbacks :)
Ah gotcha.
The reason for the is a user account is not mapped 1-to-1 with a wallet, but rather 1-to-many. This gives a user the ability to sign in from multiple wallets/devices.
That being said, your feedback is very helpful. The UX is probably unintuitive for most since it's a new signin flow.
Ya Mon!!
Huge fan of long-form content.
In particular, SN'ers really got together to support @HomelessMokum and it's really refreshing to see community members support each other, but also what living on Sats really mean - e.g. #79125
Personally, it helps me envision a less dystopian future.
Yep, I started following @HomelessMokum on SN and other platforms. Not sure if SN is his primary / go-to though :)
Can we call these proposals SNIPs?
The blog idea for me is a good point, i would love to share more and write some articles too... (only few days i'm here but enojoying a lot). But i don't know if paywalls could help, even if is true that hard work and good content should be rewarded and in the same time avoiding useless comments only for sats. I would have to think more about it, thanks for all your effort!
A starter idea could also be to highlight specific posts or comments in a user's profile.
Can be nice but I suppose it is quite different in the outcome, because you can highlight after the publication. Flagging a post as an article force to put energy in the writing and don't only show it after facts (es. I got a lot of sats/replies) to indulge in the self promotion.
Bonus point: a RSS feed for every user! (and a main one for the recents)
I think this is very interesting because having a monetary motivation may boost your ability to improve your attention span, giving yourself the time to read, to write, to think and to learn.
And also practicing English as a second languange -as it is my case-.
I don't think this would be a good idea. I don't see the benefit compared to just adding a link to the personal blog in the bio. I only see feature creep and SN not knowing what it wants to be when it would implement such thing (reminds me about Ethereum).
There are lots of turnkey blogging sites out there, don't need another one which isn't even about blogging. Example: https://prose.sh/
I don't see the benefit compared to just adding a link to the personal blog in the bio.
  • Benefit for SN: keeping the content inside the platform
  • Benefit for the user: avoid to have another account/hosting
SN not knowing what it wants to be
From #81862:
Stacker News is a place for Bitcoiners to connect and share interesting ideas.
If you’re not sure what to share, follow your curiosity and share content that you find fascinating.
We are talking about good content, thats all. Perhaps the "blog" word is misleading if someone think about Wordpress and a full bloated bloggin structure, think about a collection of contents that you would like to group, share and discuss easily with a community.
Isn't this usecase solved automatically if you just write long posts... and soon^TM we will have subs or tags or something...
The use case is "let an user to group and showcase his favorite informative posts, so others can read them easily". I don't think subs or tags, in their traditional use, can help here.