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Perhaps AI, online searchable knowledge and social media posts that "remember" who-did-what-to-whom will carry more of our memory burden. If so, perhaps human brains will evolve to become even smaller, with less stand-alone memory.
Don't panic. The benefits of smaller brains include safer births for both mother and newborn. And with computers and AI holding ever-growing records and stores of knowledge, humanity will still be able to do remarkable intelligence-driven things… as long as they can access the AI.
However, mutualists can take another path. They can evolve into harmful parasites — organisms that live at the expense of another organism, their host.
You could think of social media platforms as parasitic. They started out providing useful ways to stay connected (mutualism) but so captured our attention that many users no longer have the time they need for human-human social interactions and sleep (parasitism).
How do you view this prediction? Does social media really prey on us? What can be the other side effects of AI getting smarter than humans?
If so, perhaps human brains will evolve to become even smaller, with less stand-alone memory.
Lots of speculation, in my uninformed view. It feels a bit of a stretch that AI will decrease our brain size even further.
I think social media-induced brain rot will have a bigger impact, if it already hasn't.