This week in the world of Bitcoin Wallets:
  • Zeus/Evan announced Echo, a non-custodial and remote-access podcasting 2.0 app, that uses your own LN Node. I am curious how the battery life will compare to the quite ressource heavy apps like Fountain or Breeze. Will connectivity, especially over tor, will be a thing? I will see and report.
  • Fully Noded v0.3.6 is live. Beside some minor fixes, the Join Market usage has been further improved. I love to see the integration of JM in this amazing project. What really caught my attention was THIS tweet about their future intentions giving the nostr protocol a try instead of Tor. As much as I like the Tor Project, alternatives are really needed. There are a few contenders, and nostr is one of the most promising.
  • Specter v1.13.1 is out. Nothing ground breaking here, nevertheless great to see the continous development.
  • Fountain introduced a referring system. You can make sats, if a friend with your referral code streams sats to a podcast. The system is explained in THIS post.
  • Keeper startet out as new app with their first preview post on Oct 6. The app is somewhat related to Hexa Wallet and resembles Nunchuk. It's mainly focused on multisig. It also promises Tor and Electrum Server support, as well as connectivity with all major hardware wallets (including nfc devices). I really like the BIP-85 support. This allows you to derive multiple seeds from the value of just one seed. The derived seeds are unique and cannot be traced back to one another, nor can they be traced back to the original seed value. This comes in handy, especially if you experiment with different wallets a lot and want to keep everthing tidy and in order. To my knowledge, this is the first software wallet to implement this BIP. Congratulations on that. What's a bit of a mystery is their so called "inheritance support". Don't know what to expect from that. It seems like the first release to test drive this is not far away. I guess 2 weeks. I will keep you updated 4 sure.
If I missed something, feel free to reply. Constructive criticism is always welcome and if that article was of value to you, share some sats!
Meister Eder