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Excellent post and very accurate words.
  • Fear of running out of money or not selling anything: This is very common in people who start in sales and then end up in a job with a fixed income, assuming that the supposed guarantee (the job) lasts a long time, there they will be feeling "safe", while they spend their time and energy in working for someone else and being dependent. And on the other hand there is the income, people do not realize that when you have a fixed income, you are condemned to always earn the same, whether you work more or work regularly or in less quantity, your payment will always be conditioned. In sales it is another "Rooster 🐓 that crows" as they would say in my town. When you work in sales, whether you are your own boss or not (Obviously the best thing is when you are your own boss, without depending on an employer telling you what to do, or what time to arrive or leave) you have the possibility that the more you work, the more you can take home, or on a day when you work extra, you will still take extra, everything is subject to your effort.
Thanks for your comment!! It's great 👌