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I was playing around with adding a RSS feed for my guides page, but seems that is not generating the feed, I don't know why. The RSS config is pretty simple, but seems that I am missing something. Here is the github repo, any PR is welcome or just give me the right solution here and you get the bounty.

What I did so far:

  • I added the following lines to _config.yml:
- jekyll-feed
title: DarthCoin Guides
description: Bitcoin and Lightning guides
  • I added this line in the head of all HTML layout files:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="{{ site.title }}" href="/feed.xml">
  • I added a link to the feed that is accessible from each page. I used the HTML layout:
<a class="btn btn-rss" href="/feed.xml" target="_blank">RSS</a>
The RSS button appear correctly on the bottom of the website https://darth-coin.github.io/ , but I do not see any feed, just general information. See here: https://darth-coin.github.io/feed.xml
What did I miss? What other configuration I need to add?
5,000 sats paid
DarthCoin's bounties
I added this link of yours on my feed app : https://darth-coin.github.io/feed.xml
Ohhh looks cool. I will try to add some summary to each post. Does the links open ok? I see that is adding a weird path including // but is reading the right page.
The RSS is working for me, kinda. It only pulled 7 articles, all with spanish flag thumbails.
Btw what was the fix? Was putting everything in the _posts folder the solution?
Yes, just create the symlinks for each html file into the _posts folder. The feed is taking only from _posts folder. Yes, I made only 5 links to test and customize. Now will play around with customizing what to display in the feed as summary. The spanish flag is taken from the language links that are on top of the page. I need to find a way to ignore that and use a specific image for each post. More work to do now :)
I need to find a way to ignore
a dropdown toggle for those language links, would probably prevent them from showing in the RSS feed, i don't know
those language links are taking too much space on my RSS reader, i have to scroll down a mile before i get to the actual content, maybe put them at the bottom
hold on skipper... I know are annoying those big flags. I am working on a thing to take the meta description from each page as summary for the feed and ignore the top part of the page. Otherwise is a nightmare to change all pages.
It's working great and goes right to your guide link!
yes but I want to display a specific text as summary, not that top part of the article. Fine tuning is coming.
Oh yes, you mentioned it too, just wanted to show how it's looking. I'm waiting for the updates!
there we go... this is how I see it now, how is on your side?
cc @ek and @Skipper I added a description line in the front maker and seems to be the magic trick. Also I moved on top a general image for each page and now is taking it as logo and not displaying those annoying flags images.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Skipper 4 Jan
I don't use descriptions for my RSS Reader. The thumbnails look good now.
LOL on my side the images are gone. Seems that the rss feed readers are updating it slowly, not in real time. Thanks for checking it.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 4 Jan
For some reason, your <summary> tags still include the languages:
<summary type="html">
<![CDATA[ Español | Deutsch | Français | Italiano | Dutch | Hrvatski | Hindi Originaly posted on Substack on Nov 23, 2022 If you really want to became a Bitcoin Maxi you must follow these simple rules. Bitcoin maximalism is a self defense mechanism against shitcoinery. I was collecting some rules from Bitcoin community, basic rules that normal bitcoiners are applying themselves, and here are the results. My personal rule and promise to the whole world is this: I WILL NOT STOP BEING A BITCOIN MAXI UNTIL ALL BANKSTERS WILL DIE! ]]>
Hi, I don't know what has gone wrong. Do I need another link other than this https://darth-coin.github.io/feed.xml ?Actually, all the articles in the feed disappeared. I tried different apps.
remove it and add it again. It happen to me too on https://rssatom.com/
I will try to add some summary to each post.
Thanks, that would be very helpful!
21 sats \ 35 replies \ @nym 4 Jan
deleted by author
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 4 Jan
Was this created by a LLM? If so, I expect better from you @nym.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 4 Jan
Was on my phone and just trying to help
he doesn't have _posts folder, that might be the reason
So just add a _posts folder and the name of each page ? I do not want to move all the pages I already created.
i suspect you will have to move everything to _posts
that's probably the way jekyll-feed Plugin is configured
I do not see anywhere mentioned this in jekyll feed instructions
hmmmm. you are right.
the link i sent is from 2020, maybe it's outdated.
Must be a way to indicate each post where is located. If not... then I have to renounce of adding a RSS feed.
Verify Content in _posts: Ensure you have a _posts directory with valid files (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD-title.md) and include front matter:
I do not see anywhere mentioned this in jekyll feed instructions: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-feed
Do I have to create it? What I have to put in there?
The layout files are already prepared with the same line. What is missing is the content feed, with pages etc. See here: https://darth-coin.github.io/feed.xml
100 sats \ 25 replies \ @ek 4 Jan
That you need to have a _posts directory is mentioned here: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/structure/
I've got something working locally, I'll send you a PR.
but I don't want your dirty sats lol
So now to who I should give the bounty? It was a nice and quick experiment.
5000 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 4 Jan
I can create a comment as @anon and you can click pay bounty there
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 4 Jan
Glad you got it working.
Is fun, still learning. I have some basic knowledge about html, css and stuff like that so this github thing is a playground for me now. More things / ideas will come and maybe more bounties on SN.
ok I merge it. Let's see how it goes. Thanks, so was about the gem file...
0 sats \ 19 replies \ @ek 4 Jan
That was not the PR to fix the RSS feed, that was just for me building your site and playing with it, lol
OK I get that.
The permalinks can be customized for each post, but the date and markup language are determined solely by the file name.
So I should create a _posts folder and add each page in that format and inside of each md file the permalink to existing html page?