I was playing around with adding a RSS feed for my guides page, but seems that is not generating the feed, I don't know why.
The RSS config is pretty simple, but seems that I am missing something.
Here is the github repo, any PR is welcome or just give me the right solution here and you get the bounty.
What I did so far:
- I added the following lines to _config.yml:
- jekyll-feed
title: DarthCoin Guides
description: Bitcoin and Lightning guides
- I added this line in the head of all HTML layout files:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="{{ site.title }}" href="/feed.xml">
- I added a link to the feed that is accessible from each page. I used the HTML layout:
<a class="btn btn-rss" href="/feed.xml" target="_blank">RSS</a>
The RSS button appear correctly on the bottom of the website https://darth-coin.github.io/ , but I do not see any feed, just general information. See here: https://darth-coin.github.io/feed.xml
What did I miss? What other configuration I need to add?
5,000 sats paid
tags still include the languages:_posts
directory is mentioned here: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/structure/pay bounty