"very much not like something as mundane as "renting computers", even though that's mostly what it is." 🤨
I'm skeptical as to how much value they end seeing out of this transition back on prem. Have any other companies been successful with this? Dropbox started this effort but operate at massive scale.
I suppose a business case could be made, but taking on operations of what AWS/MSFT/GOOG are investing thousands of engineers and billions of R&D into doesn't strike me as a huge win - especially in the hyperchanging industry of tech.
Maybe some opportunities for a more decentralized look at operations?
Maintenance, new procurement processes, upgrades - and then forgoing every new managed service release and best in class AI/ML capabilities released every year - it seems like a lot to take on and a distraction for a company of ~100...
Driving a sports car to the grocery store rarely makes sense when a more economical car is an option. Many companies don’t need all those bells and whistles, some server boxes with some redundancy is “good enough” for many use cases. Really all comes done to running the numbers, and seeing what makes sense for any given business.