Old Money Maximalism
- Old, highly detailed, extravagant decoration and furnished real estate
- You always have everything ready so to speak: Spontaneously have a friend over? Of course you have a room spare. He brought a bottle of champagne? Of course you have a bucket and the correct glasses somewhere in the basement
- You own all the things and of all the things only the finest
New Money Minimalism
- Possessions are a burden. If you want something you can always just buy it
- What counts is how hastle free the experience is
- You pride yourself in how mobile and versatile your life is
- Marie Kondos biggest fan
The question
Which of the two archetypes would you assume to be richer? Blind guess. Which is spiritually richer, which is more fulfilling? Which is more aesthetic which is a happier life?
The reason why this topic is interesting to me is because - even tho I'm not filthy rich - It still regularly bugs me how much stuff I should or shouldn't own. Sometimes you need something and don't have it ready. Sometimes you look in the basement and It's still full with useless crap that didn't get used in the last 5 years.
Literally everyone falls into one of these extremes or somewhere on the spectrum here. Do you? Where? Is it intentional?
19 votes \ poll ended