Hey everyone 👋
After a month of hard work I just finished my first paid freelancing gig for a Bitcoiner, paid in Bitcoin, no KYC shared between me and utxo_one.
A landing page is worth a thousand words so here it goes:

Beta is now open and very welcome to suggestions!
Code is 100% open source (repo). Willing to give a few-thousand-sats tiny bounties for any important issues or good suggestions ;)
We use the LN ⚡️ to allow users to connect with other bitcoiners and so far on our launch day we did 500k sats. Extremely excited about all this being possible. To think of the hurdles I had to go through to get my first online payments fifteen years ago using Paypal as a citizen of a small country.
I'm not a huge Twitter user, but this made me appreciate a lot of gems and amazing threads available in Bitcoin Twitter. You can see if we already crawled your user using the /u/profile URL, ie:
Our scanning is not that robust yet but we really wanted to launch it (thinking of a tweet meme @k00b shared recently on the pitfalls of trying to ship perfect albeit useless products).
I was in charge of the UI/UX as well as all the React FE development, and the part I am proudest of is the landing page animation with bitcoiners in the background.
Again, early beta but feedback is welcome!
When dark mode?
Looks good! Should have it auto report shitcoiners for spreading misinformation at the same time 😂
Thanks! There's an endorsement feature on the works now, which might help with that :)