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In Taipei, Taiwan (because I'm not a CCP bootlicker lol) most people actually ride scooters or motorcycles in addition to amazing metro infrastructure. The only cars are taxis
In Manila, Philippines, if you would like to go anywhere and not be in traffic for 2 hours (for short distances yes the traffic is that bad) you ride a scooter or a motorcycle.
They have taxis that are cars, but you quickly learn how much that sucks and either take a truck that you kinda just clamer into when its stopped or a motorcycle side car taxi (which were definitely a Philipine solution because Americans like myself struggle to fit into them lmao).
And as you can see, yes its possible to be protected from the weather with a motorcycle. (Clothes help too of course)
One thing you will notice about all of these places is how much it sucks to drive a car.
Whereas in the US a car tailgating your scooter could be the death of you.
So I'm all for scooter/motorcycle vehicle lanes personally.
whoa that's pretty cool