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Moved to Linux 2003 and never been back to microsoft. Never regretted it. Would never go back to corporate state surveillance shitware.
The only problem early on was some closed source drivers for hardware like wifi and sound were sometimes time consuming to get around but now those problems are largely solved.
The benefit is being part of an ecosystem and community that is built without evil intent. It is hard to quantify the difference in user experience but IMO it is a quantum leap improvement.
Suggest maybe start with Ubuntu (with firefox browser with duckduckgo search) and over time move to Debian but there are so may different Linux versions others may suit you best as everyone has their preferences. Its free to try them all!
IMO the ethos of Linux is far better aligned with that of Bitcoin, freedom and privacy than other OSs.
I'm positive after I quit using windows i won't go back. I just have to deal with this learning curve I guess, but there's a lot of resources these days.